Woke is Envy by Another Name part 1

Welcome to my new blog - Awake Not Woke!

I first had this article published on twitter by Pub Politics and repeat it here as I intend to dedicate this site to educating and discussing political correctness and woke, which I believe is ruining our society, dividing communities and is championing Marxism. It is the most important battle of our times.

Woke and political correctness are not descriptions that would’ve passed you by, even if you’re not a fan of social media or of reading a newspaper. The ever more regular public examples of catastrophizing, within some innocent debate or opinion, often reaches the point of being accused of something akin to murder and can be almost laughable.

Except it isn’t funny.

The damage to people’s careers and lives cannot be ignored and only the Woke and far left refuse to see it as a problem until it happens to them, as in the ever growing cases such as that of JK Rowling and other celebrities who’ve managed to get themselves into all sorts of trouble despite doing nothing wrong.

The reason for this ever growing poisonous monster is the use of Concept Creep. There are several ways to describe what this means but in its simplest terms it’s about moving the goalposts in the Woke’s favourite game of what you are allowed to think, having already waged war on what they think you are allowed to say. (And if you don’t believe Thought Police really exist then think about unconscious bias training.). It’s about an ever increasing sensitivity to harm so that they can create more new labels or an expansion to meaning, in which to bash the rest of us with.

They have reframed the narrative stealthily, until in the end people are too scared to even use a perfectly legal and relevant word such as ‘woman’ in some contexts.

Victimhood expands as they add more and more ways to guilt-trip us up, more and more ways to bully someone who didn’t stay awake for the woke school, thus missing the latest edition of things you can and cannot do, say or protect, according to their Cancel Culture code.

Thank goodness the government is appointing a Freedom of Speech Champion and bringing in laws to ensure Universities positively promote speakers and guests by taking steps to ensure no one is silenced.

And now that there are so many labels, there also appears to be a hierarchy of victimhood leading to quite evident ‘in-house’ bullying.

‘Agony, much more painful than Yours’ from the play Into the Woods, comes to mind.

Take for instance the poison pen letter that Labour MPs sent to Priti Patel accusing her of gas-lighting because of her announcement in parliament of her own experience of racism. No sympathy, no real acknowledgement but instead faux disgust, virtue signalling and more victimhood. The wrong kind of race and the wrong kind of party is what they really mean.

But let’s stick with women. Just as I think it’s much better if a black person condemns ‘white privilege’ (that’s a future article), I think it’s more meaningful when women stick up for men to condemn hideous phrases like ‘toxic masculinity’ and ‘male privilege’.

This latest wave of uber-feminists contribute little to the important debates. They try to compel us to agree, instead of being compelling. They can be aggressive, embarrassing to other women and harmful to society. Their actions and words could never empower any of us who grew up with a real feminist role model - Margaret Thatcher.

Show not tell, endeavour not blame. And certainly don’t do it by trying to put down half the human race to make yourself feel better or to believe anyone would be more likely to listen about important issues that do need addressing.

Most men I know are kind, respectful, would never lay a finger on a woman, do their best to provide for their families and have different pressures and stresses. How dare they call that ‘toxic’? It disgusts me. Toxic in comparison with whom and with where? The wild animal kingdom?!

What male privilege? Men are more likely to commit suicide. White boys do less well at school. Men are second class citizens when it comes to family courts and are vilified by militant feminists without any recourse and often without any grounds. I remember Nicola Sturgeon pushing away Boris’s arm when he gestured for her to go first. What an ugly reaction to a perfectly normal gentlemanly invitation. Men are often presumed guilty until proven innocent & can lose their jobs at the slightest indiscretion or a joke, whereas women can take the mickey out of men until the cows come home, and somehow that’s okay.  

Woman have their own power to be and do anything they want. They also have sexual power and motherhood and that’s the ultimate privilege – to give birth and I don’t care if that upsets those who like to ignore the role of wife and mother. Many of us believe that sort of love is the meaning of life.

So I don’t want to be in their ‘toxic masculinity’ club. I like being a woman, feminine, cook every night, while also successful in my own right. I like pink jobs and blue jobs and I like being looked after physically when required. I have breasts not chests and I’m as bold as any man I know but I respect their strengths as well as my own and vivre le difference!

I bet if some were to read this they would try to explain what those labels mean with some pretend, kind-to-women-rather-than-mean-to-men translation - so I’ll save them some time because all I’d say in response is ‘That’s Concept Creep and I don’t buy it, thanks’.

It’s no longer enough just to ignore all this nonsense. We have to stop it dead in its track. And now.




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