Woke is Envy by a new name- part 2 - Stop the villifying of men
In my first post, I focused on feminism and 'concept creep'.
Today I'd like to focus on challenging the current unproven claims by the far left who are determined to label and separate every group in order to divide.
Marxists are very organised so please dismiss the idea that all of this political correctness has just evolved over time. It has not. It has been a co-ordinated strategy where various far left groups come together to blame the rest of us for all their ills, by dividing, pointing the finger and blaming the government, police, capitalism, anyone that doesnt agree with their socialist ideals. They are anti-normalists and want to destroy our western culture and family lives.
The best thing to do is to look at the original claim, the way they pre-frame the issue, because if you don't do this and allow them to frame the debate, you will fall into the concept creep tactic I mentioned in my first blog post.
A great example of this is the current issue of women's safety. Immediately the Green party has decided that men should be curfewed to allow us women to go out, while innocent men are shut away. But let's put that to one side, just for the moment.
Let's take a more helicopter view and frame the debate to where it should be which is 'make people safer'. No-one can disagree with this surely? Take away the presumption that the left are making and change it to something more useful. Thats our job now. That is crucial.
So start with - what would be the best way for women, that isn't an attack on another group of people, that will work the best and allow freedom for all? Once everyone agrees with this premise, the whole idea of blaming should melt away.
Any ideas that a rational brainstorm can bring is going to be a far more sensible, moral and effective solution than 'lock all men away because that is what men are making us do'.
One must first challenge the premise from which their narrative is coming from. I'd start with;
Apart from covid restrictions, what women are locking themselves away? When are they doing that? What is the evidence for this? Show me.
I bet most of them will not even know the answer to that because they've just blindly accepted the narrative on which the Woke are feeding them.
Some have even managed to expand the debate (a very often used tactic) to incorporate every day harrassment by males. Well, show me the evidence for that too, please?
What does it include, a wolf whistle? Sorry don't buy that - most men stopped that decades ago and are petrified to even start a conversation, let alone a loud wolf whistle - and, even if so, how does that make one feel unsafe? To make the jump from wolf whistle to danger is utterly ridiculous. Being a bit uncomfortable or embarrassed does not warrant cancelling out men's freedoms.
Mysogyny - well yes, which woman has not experienced this, but does that make us feel unsafe? What can we do? How about call it out when we see it, reasonably and calmly, giving men the chance to explain? How about that as a solution not requiring government intervention or villifying all men?
The real debate that should be taking place is about ALL murders and all violence including grooming gangs, drug gangs, terrorism as well as domestic violence.
As someone, who many years ago in a previous life, suffered from a violent relationship, this has got nothing to do with feeling safe on the street or the fault of other men who love and cherish their partners.
The far left love to tie all these problems into one, whilst telling women - you SHOULD be scared. LOOK at what men do!
Well prove to me why I should be scared. Give me the data, educate me on why I can't look after myself and then I might start listening.
But villify one half of our citizens, most of whom are law abiding and I'm afraid I will challenge you until I know you have my best interest at heart, rather than trying to divide and create unecessary fear. I'll be damned if I'm going to be scared because other women tell me so.
I remember when I was helping to hand out personal alarms during the awful murders of street workers in Ipswich. I was interviewed by a news channel. The reporter asked me if I was scared and felt unsafe. I replied truthfully 'Why would I be scared when I'm not the perpetrator's target and I do not walk at night in the red light district'. Of course that didn't get shown on TV - it wasn't the answer they wanted to hear. So this is not a new thing - media creating more fear. Call it out!
So if anyone comes up with a stupid idea like curfews for men then we must ask
At what cost?
Who decides?
How does it work in practice?
If the Green party had done this to start with, they'd know how stupid it all is.
Political Correctness, Woke-ism, and must-culturalism are a cancer that is metastasising at the heart of society. It breeds division instead of integration. It is a toxic force that erodes "community" and it is lauded as "enlightened". They are all aspects of the same corrosive attack on civilised society and the integration of migrants that we have welcomed and embraced for a thousand years.